
Deadline for submission: 30th March 2025

We invite members of the animal nutrition modelling community to submit their abstracts until the 30th March 2025. Please indicate during the abstract submission process if you would prefer a poster or an oral presentation (around 15 minutes of presentation plus 5 minutes of discussion) and your preference in which session your contribution should be categorised. The accepted abstracts will be published in an Animal science proceedings issue.

You can submit to one of the following topics (click here):

1. Livestock and environment

Increasing pressures on livestock systems from global climate change, diseases, international policies, consumer awareness, and dietary shifts highlight the need for sustainable practices. Balancing food security with environmental sustainability is crucial. Contributions on the use of models in developing innovative solutions for the environment are welcome. Applications include adapting livestock to stressors, reducing livestock environmental footprint, implementing sustainable land management, and improving waste management.

2. New trends in modelling

Advancements in data modelling are transforming precision livestock farming by enabling real-time monitoring and management of animal health, welfare, and productivity. Sensor-based data integration, machine learning, and edge computing facilitate data-driven decision-making in feeding, breeding, and disease prevention, enhancing farm efficiency and sustainability. Contributions on methodological aspects and on the application of modelling approaches (e.g., machine learning, hybrid intelligent modes…) using high-dimensional data from sensors for real-time applications are welcome.

3. Nutrient intake, digestion, utilisation, and metabolism

All works related to the modelling of nutrition, digestion, nutrient intake, and nutrient utilization are welcome in this session, from feedstuffs or feed characterisation to nutrient utilisation by the animal, organs, and/or cells.

4. Modelling feed toxins and environmental contaminants in farm animals

Modelling approaches are used to study the interactions between animal nutrition and the fate of toxins and contaminants of both biological and anthropogenic origin in farm animals. Contributions using kinetic models and integrating in vitro and in vivo data in animal health, toxicology, and food safety are welcome.

5. Free topics session

If your communication doesn’t align with any of the proposed sessions, feel free to submit it to this one! This section includes contributions on education and research practices.

Abstracts guidelines

Abstract have to be written in English. We recommend you to use the template provided above to ensure the format of your abstract. The abstract must not exceed one page including title, authors, authors affiliations, text, tables, figures and references. The inclusion of 1 illustration (figure or table) is allowed and must be included in the submitted document (.docx). The submitted document must be named as follows: SessionNumber_FirstAuthorName.docx. If the same first author submits more than one abstract in the same session, please add a letter at the end of the file name to distinguish the files (e.g., 3_smith_a.docx and 3_smith_b.docx).

For the submission, please prepare 3 to 5 keywords, they don’t have to be in the attached word file, just in the submission form. Each author can submit a maximum of 2 abstracts as presenting author. Only abstracts submitted using online application are considered for publication. Following abstract acceptance, its publication in the conference proceeding will be effective only in case the presenting author is register to the conference.

Abstracts must be submitted in the format specified in the template, otherwise they will be returned to the authors without further review.

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