Local Committee

Dr. Marion Lautrou is a researcher in the swine nutrition group at Agroscope. Her research focuses on the requirements of pigs, aiming to develop innovative strategies to optimize nutrient utilization efficiency. She uses modeling to enhance the understanding of nutrient requirements, digestive processes, and metabolic rates in swine, contributing to precision feeding strategies that improve animal health and productivity.

Dr. Sylvain Lerch is in charge of research on beef cattle nutrition and meat safety at the Ruminant Nutrition and Emissions research group of Agroscope. His current focuses are on feed efficiency and adaptive physiology, method development for the monitoring of body composition, and modelling of the toxicokinetics of persistent organic pollutants in livestock.

Dr. Nabil Mehaba is a postdoctoral researcher specializing in agricultural modeling and biostatistics, currently working on nutrient excretion system modeling in Swiss dairy farms. With a strong background in animal science and biostatistics, he has extensive experience in both veterinary and research settings.